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WA iSports Volunteer Application

Welcome to WA iSports Incorporated. Our vision is to create a welcoming community that embraces,

celebrates and values diversity. We do this by providing opportunities for people to participate in inclusive

and accessible sporting activities, events, life skills and wellbeing programs.

While WA iSports encourages the participation of all in the community, the programs and activities have been

specifically developed to meet the needs of individuals with Intellectual Disability and for those who are on

the Autism Spectrum.



WA iSports collects personal information (including sensitive and health information) for the purpose of providing individualized sporting, well-being and lifestyle programs, and other social and community activities to our members

  • If information is required for purposes other than those for which it was collected, agreement will be sought beforehand.  Information will only be accessed by Coaches, Coordinators and Committee Members. Upon occasion it may be provided to other volunteers, for example assistant coaches.

  • Sometimes we may need to discuss matters about your participation in WA iSports activities with other individuals or organisations, for example your disability service provider or support worker. This will only occur if there is a direct need for example if we are concerned about your wellbeing.

  • Information is securely stored in our share drive and when it is no longer needed it will be destroyed.  The legislation we operate under requires us to maintain a register of members, this includes the members name and a contact address (this may be an email address). The Associations Incorporation Act 2015 is the law in Western Australia which enables a member to access the members’ register mentioned above. The members’ register contains only names and addresses and no other information.

  • The Australian Privacy Principles states that an organisation must not disclose personal information about a person unless the disclosure is required or authorised under law.

  • WA iSports has put in place measures to ensure access to this information is only given if there is a valid information for requiring it and permission is sought if it is information other than a name and address.



Should it be deemed necessary for Saint John's to attend an emergency, the volunteer or member who

requires medical care will be liable for the cost of this service.



WA iSports has a uniform available for use to all volunteers and members. All volunteers and members are

strongly encouraged to wear this uniform at WA iSports activities and events. One polo will be supplied to

each volunteer, additional uniforms can be purchased through the membership officer.

Volunteer Basic Details Form

WA iSports use CareMonkey to manage Volunteer information. Once you click submit you will be invited to complete a CareMonkey staff profile, where we need information about you to keep you safe while you are participating in our activities. 

Thanks for submitting! We will be in touch soon to finish the sign up process

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